Wainui Community Directory
Key Contacts
Wainui Residents Association (WRA): WRACommittee@gmail.com
All questions to:
Hall Rental: (click here to link to the separate page)
Local Wainui Services
Akaroa Salmon: Salmon available for purchase at the wharf, Sunday & Wednesday afternoons from 3:30-4:15 pm. Click on link for time/day updates
Boat Parking: Boat parking is available at the Wainui Community Hall grounds.
Email wraboatpark2023@gmail.com
Casual boat parking, $8/week
Annual rate of $300 for paid up members of the WRA
Annual Rate of $400 for non WRA Members
The WRA takes no responsibility for any damage to boats whilst parked on the grounds.
Chimney Cleaning:
- CleanSweep Canterbury: 0800 793 3737
- Glenn Rossiter/Little River: 03 325 1205
- Akaroa Property Maintenance: 03 304 7178
Fencing: Dave & Tom Evans Contracting: 027 352 1730 (Tom)
Internet: Altra Internet/Dave Edwards: 027 022 1159
Kimberley Dodd Art: Local artist and protea flower grower: 021 431 232
Local bach owner Thomas Jones works at Placemakers Ashburton and is keen to help with any building projects in Wainui area, whether it is for a pack of nails or a complete house build. He offers very competitive trade rates for the whole Wainui community not only on building products but freight. Thomas also travels to Wainui around every second weekend and might be able to put small items on his truck for a small delivery if not free delivery fee. Contact: 027 251 9920
Scuba Cylinder Filling: Amphibious NZ Ltd (based in Ashburton) – ring Thomas Jones: 027 251 9920 (pick up and delivery from Wainui)
Septic Tank Cleaning: